Well, shock horror it’s May, well pretty much June now, and this update is way overdue. There’s so much to say, and also not enough energy to say it all.
Things have been busy (aren’t they always?). I’m out with the band a lot, doing a concerning amount of admin which never seem to move forward, and I’ve been spending time hand painting some ceramics after a 2 year break. I've also got really into a game called 'June's journey' on my iPad, which isn't even that good, but I can't seem to stop. That, and also Suduko.
I met up with my dad sometime this year (I'm not good with dates or remembering things), who is still very proudly promoting my dog apparel.

I've had so many of you send me photos after buying a tattoo ticket and getting one of my designs tattoed on to your skin. I still have to pinch myself that this is a thing. You can get a tattoo ticket here.

Here are some of the ceramic bits fresh outta the kiln.

Items are coming out of the kiln as we speak, and I hope to do a big website update in the next month or two, once I’ve sorted it out and photographed everything. As well as dog mugs, I’ve done some owl mugs, pigeons, cats, and I even tried out some ghosts!
If you haven’t already, subscribe to Made By Harriet's newsletter to be the first to know when they’re available. You can subscribe here.
I’ve quietly, pretty much whsiper launched my patreon. Where I promise you zero content for £3.64 a month. I might surprise you (and myself) with some top secret delights. Who knows! Thank you to all 6 of you who have joined. :) If you'd like to be part of the least rewarding club there is, head here: https://www.patreon.com/MadebyHarriet
I’ve had a few emails asking about my new I AM UNCOMFORTABLE dog sweaters and tees. They are available here!

Keep an eye on my everpress shop as I’ve got some very special, limited run dog pride designs dropping this week! This design (below) is available here.

I am thrilled to have teamed up with Anna Rose Heaton for some new Made by Harriet photography! She has produced some beauties, and always sneaks in something which makes me laugh! I especially love the photos she sent over of my new dog tote bags, available in 3 designs:

Here's a blooper from the photoshoot - ahahahah

Doughnut and Sean Connery are keeping me busy, with a couple of trips to the vets, Sean Connery had ear mites (blergh) and Doughy had something bothering his ear, which wasn't mites. It seems a bit better now, perhaps it was sympathy ear. Here they are, looking like they are on an interview panel.

They've been getting on so well, and playing so nicely. Sean Connery is such a character! I've been teaching him to close the fridge this week.

And the curve ball this week, is POORLY FISH. There was a pond in our garden when we bought our house 7 years ago. I bought some teeny tiny koi years ago who are now VERY BIG and also now poorly, so I've spent the past 36 hours learning a lot and spending a lot to create a little quarantine pool to treat them in. I didn't know i could care about fish so much. I really hope they get better.
This week I found a sample tshirt design which I never ran with, but now I'm wondering if I should...?

There's probably more to say, but I'm so tired, and know if I don't post this, I never will.
Please leave a comment below with ideas, suggestions, feedback, thoughts. Yes, comments are good for SEO but I do also love hearing from you, and forgetting to respond.
Thank you for being here.
Harriet, Doughnut and Sean Connery x
Amy said:
Love the T-shirt!! Please put it on sale so I can Purchase one! 😊 Hope Ant and Dec get better and Recover soon ! I always think what would we spend our money on if we didn’t have pets !!
Lots of love
June 03, 2023
Kendra said:
Sending continued good fishes to all of you. I vote very strongly in favor of the “Tell your dog I love them” shirts.
June 01, 2023
Carissa said:
Zomg the sample T-shirt is amazing! And so are the photos, and so is Sean Connery. Love you
June 01, 2023
Maria said:
I love ALL of this 😅 time to decide which piece of clothing to invest in next – might need to be a cap 😎
I would especially love one or two of the pride designs to incorporate the Progress Pride flag: https://queerintheworld.com/lgbt-progress-pride-flag/
(On a very specific personal preference, the progress flag plus a black greyhound in addition to the current three houndies on your design would be 🤌)
June 01, 2023
Christine said:
That was a super lovely blog I really enjoyed reading it 😊
June 01, 2023
Liz said:
YES – please, that sample t-shirt needs to happen :)
“Tell your dog I love them” is a winner in my book <3
Also, we need more caps in various colors because they’re amazing. How about a “Noodle Mom” cap? Hehe.
June 01, 2023
Susan Hoy said:
My husband loved his lurcher mug our son bought for his birthday on Saturday, will go with his lurcher socks we bought from u. Keep the Socks coming he loves them .
June 01, 2023